A small brownish spot on the skin, often turning dark or increasing in number on exposure to the sun. Freckles (or ephelides) are small, usually yellow or brown spots on the skin, often seen on the face but capable of occurring in freckled individuals on any part of the body that has been exposed to sunlight.
Freckles are usually tan or light brown, flat, and very small (smaller than the head of a pin). Sometimes they overlap and run together so they may look larger.
Freckles first appear at about 5 years of age as light-brown pigmented macules on light-exposed skin. They increase in number, size, and depth of pigmentation during the summer months, and are smaller, lighter, and fewer in number in the winter.
Freckles are produced by the action of ultraviolet radiation on the level of melanin in the melanocytes (pigment cells). In individuals of a certain genetic makeup and usually having red or blonde hair, the level of melanin increases to form Freckles that contrast with the otherwise fair skin that such individuals possess.
Ephelides -This term refers to flat spots that are red or light-brown and typically appear during the sunny months and fade in the winter.
Lentigo – Children may develop a small tan, brown, or black spot which tends to be darker than an ephelis-type freckle and which does not fade in the winter.
The various causes of Freckles are:-
Freckles may be cosmetically unappealing, but they are not associated with any complications. However, recent studies have shown that individuals with skin types susceptible to Freckles are at greater risk for developing skin cancers.
Conventional system offers no promising treatment for Freckles. Lot many bleach creams, lotions are available in the market which may lighten the spots temporarily but do not treat the excessive formation and accumulation of melanin.
In contrast Homeopathy does not advocate the use of creams and ointments in skin disorders. It believes that skin disorders are a reflection of internal problem and need to be treated from within. External application (creams, ointments) can lead to the suppression of the disease and result in a more serious systemic disorder. A well-prescribed homeopathic medicine not only takes care of Freckles but also treats the patient as a whole and improves general health as well.
Homeopathic medicines control the excessive formation of melanin by melanocytes (pigment cells). Gradually the dark spots become lighter than before, the occurrences of new patches reduce and ultimately stop.
While choosing homeopathic remedies the cause of Freckles is evaluated for example, genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalances, sun exposure, poor immune system and so on.
Homeopathic treatment, which gets to the root of the problem will reinforce the immune system and gradually restore the pigmented spots to the normal skin color. Homeopathic medicines restore the hormonal imbalance and control the excessive production of melanin. Homeopathy will not inhibit the natural process of the skin’s melanin production. It will act on melanocytes to produce less melanin naturally thus strengthening the skin cells to stay healthy and remove excessive melanin in the skin. This improves the quality (texture) of skin, Freckles disappear and further discoloration of skin stops.
Homeopathy medicines cure Freckles from the root cause and assuring the patient of not facing the similar problem in future.