Prolapse of Uterus is the descent of the uterus from its normal position in the vagina. A Prolapsed Uterus refers to a collapsed uterus, or descended uterus, or other change in the position of the uterus in relation to the surrounding structures within the pelvis. The pelvis contains many soft tissue structures vital to normal body functions, supported primarily by the diaphragms, layers of muscles, fibrous coverings called fasciae, and various ligaments and tendons. These soft tissues of the pelvis derive their ultimate support from the bony pelvis. Prolapsed produces a sensation of pelvic discomfort, aggravated in the upright position. Prolapsed uterus is also known as Pelvic relaxation or Pelvic floor hernia.
This condition occur more commonly in older women who have had multiple vaginal births, they are seen also in younger women recently delivered.
Caucasian women more commonly affected; African Americans and Asians affected less often
A Prolapsed Uterus may be of three types, depending on the severity
A pelvic examination with the woman bearing down will show how far the uterus comes down. Uterine prolapse is mild when the cervix drops into the lower part of the vagina. Uterine prolapse is moderate when the cervix drops out of the vaginal opening.
The pelvic exam may show protrusion of the bladder and front wall of the vagina (cystocele) or rectum and back wall of the vagina (rectocele) into the vaginal space. The ovaries and bladder may also be positioned lower in the pelvis than usual.
Specific conditions, such as ureteral obstruction due to complete prolapse, may need an intravenous pyelogram (IVP) or renal sonography. Dye is injected into your vein, and a series of x-rays are taken to view its progress through your bladder.
Ultrasound may be used to rule out other pelvic problems. In this test, a wand is passed over your abdomen or inserted into your vagina to create images with sound waves.
In the conventional system treatment is not considered necessary unless the symptoms are bothersome unlike the homeopathic treatment which gives best results in the initial stages or first degree prolapse and can stop the further progress into second and third degree prolapse.
Side-effects are:-
Pessary and its side effects-A vaginal pessary is an object inserted into the vagina to hold the uterus in place. It may be a temporary or permanent form of treatment. Vaginal pessaries are fitted for each individual woman. If your prolapse is severe, a pessary may not work.
Side-effects are:-
Surgery– In some cases where pessaries fail, the only option in the conventional/allopathic treatment is surgery. There are several types of surgery to treat a severe prolapse of the uterus, including hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus) and suspending the uterus. Some women may require treatment again in the future for recurrent prolapse of the vaginal walls even after surgery.
Complications arising of Prolapse surgery
Side-effects are:-
Chronic and complicated diseases can easily be treated by the magical doses of homeopathic medicines.
There are special homeopathic medicines which help in treating various female disorders/diseases including prolapsed uterus.
The most recent approach in treating Prolapsed Uterus is addressing the overall symptoms of this disease and prescribing a remedy capable of normalizing unfavorable responses to aggravating factors (cough, constipation, hormonal etc). Homeopathy is a treatment which cures patient and leaves no side effects.
Research shows the high efficacy of homeopathic medicines on prolapsed uterus.
Thus a female can save herself from an embarrassing situation of prolapse and can continue with her professional and personal activities very easily.
Action of homeopathic medicines on the supportive structures of the pelvis-Homeopathic medicines act on the soft tissue structures vital to normal body functions, layers of muscles, fibrous coverings called fasciae, and various ligaments and tendons and thus strengthen the supportive structures of the pelvis which help keeping the uterus at a right place.
After menopause weakening of pelvic tissues due to the drop in the estrogen levels can effectively be taken care of by homeopathic treatment.
Actions on the injured tissues during childbirth-During child birth the supportive structures of the pelvis get injured. There are specific homeopathic medicines to combat injury of supportive tissues hence preventing prolapse of uterus. Homeopathic medicines work by increasing body’s own healing abilities and healing time is greatly diminished.
Action of homeopathic medicines on the various aggravating/risk factors– The various risk factors like chronic cough, constipation, pelvic tumors, obesity can effectively be taken care of with homeopathic medicines thus preventing the further risk of developing prolapse of uterus.
Action of homeopathic medicines on hormonal imbalances- The hormonal imbalances are seen after menopause and are usually present in obese females. Properly selected homeopathic remedy has the capacity to correct hormonal imbalances by its action on the various glands. Homeopathic medicines stimulate the glands to produce the required amount of hormones thus curing the problem from the root.
Action of homeopathic medicines on patients using pessaries– The pessary inserted in the vagina to support the uterus may result in the irritation and abnormal smelling discharge which can be dealt effectively by homeopathic treatment. The vaginal injury caused by a pessary can be taken care of by proper homeopathic medicines.
Action of homeopathic medicines after surgery- If surgery is the last option and cannot be prevented, then it is highly recommended to continue the homeopathic treatment to avoid post surgical complications
Early Diagnoses and Homeopathic treatment rules out the option of surgery- Surgery can be avoided if a patient comes in the early stages (first and second degree prolapse) of the disease. The homeopathic medicines control the further progress of the disease and prevent the complications like urinary tract infections, ulcerations of vagina etc. So homeopathy saves a female from a surgical trauma which is physical, mental as well as financial.